Bulk upload

What is bulk upload?

The bulk upload feature allows you to add several properties, tenancies, and protections to the mydeposits system in one go.

To do this, you need to download our CSV template, add in the required data and upload the file to the system. Once uploaded, your properties, tenancies and protections will automatically be added to your account.

You can choose to create:

  • Only properties (property address and landlord details)
  • Tenancies and protections can be manually added after the property records have been created
  • Properties and tenancies (property address, landlord details, tenancy details, and the option to add tenants now or later)
  • Any missing tenants and the protection can be added afterwards
  • Properties, tenancies, and protections (property address, landlord details, tenancy details, tenant details and protection type or scheme)

On completion of the upload, you just need to make a payment for any Custodial protections.

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Where can I find the bulk upload feature?

When you are logged into your account, you can find the bulk upload feature by:

1. Selecting ‘tenancies’ on the left-hand menu

2. Then choosing the ‘bulk upload’ tab

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How do I use the bulk upload?

There are 10 steps required to complete the bulk upload of your properties and/or tenancies. Please see below:

1. Once selecting the ‘bulk upload’ tab, the system will notify you of the progress by sending in-app notifications and by email.

Top tip : If you would prefer not to receive these or only be contacted by one method, you can unselect the options.

3. If you are a company with multiple offices, please select which office you would like the property, tenancy or protections to be created under and click ‘next’.

Top tip : You can change the office that a property, tenancy or protection is linked to after it has been created by editing the property record. Or you can create individual CSV files for each office and carry out the bulk upload process for each office separately.

4. Upload your CSV file by clicking ‘Choose file’. If you need the template, it is available to download here, simply fill in with the required data and upload once complete.

Top tip : If you upload the wrong file, you can remove this by clicking on the bin icon next to the file name and upload the correct file.

5. Once your CSV file has been uploaded, click ‘Start import’ to load the data into the system.

6. The system will begin the import of the CSV file and run validation checks.

Top tip : You can navigate away from this page while it is processing the file and it will continue checks in the background.

Please note, you may receive an error message if the file is in the wrong format or structure. If you receive an error, please double check your file is in a CSV file format and that the file matches our template structure.

It is important to remember, the records have not yet been created in the system. Only the content of the CSV file has been copied and the validation checks have been run.

7. Once the system has finished validation, a summary of the following information will be displayed:

a. The number of records which have passed validation

b. The number of records which have errors

You can view the list of these properties and details of the errors by opening the ‘error log.csv’ file on the right side of the screen. This will show you details of the error(s) after all the columns with data in.

For example, if the last data column is ‘BA’, the error will show in column ‘BB’ onwards

Please note, the system will also list all the records uploaded from the CSV file on the screen. Those highlighted in green or white have passed validation and those highlighted in red have errors (which can be viewed in more detail on the error log).

Top tip : If you do not want to proceed with creating any records, you can press ‘Cancel import’ at any time. Please note, the data will still show on the screen but once you start a new import this will be removed.

8. If there are no errors, please click the ‘Complete’ button. The system will then start to create the records into our system one by one.

Top tip : You can navigate away from this screen while the system is creating these records and it will continue processing in the background. You will receive a notification by your chosen contact method when all valid records have been created.

9. Once the process has finished, please check to see if any records incurred an error and whether an error log has been completed. For any errors, the records have not been created in the system and you will need to take the following steps to edit and complete the process.

10. If you have some records with errors, you can either:

a. Cancel the current import, fix the errors on your original CSV file, and begin the upload process again in order to create all records at the same time


b. Create the records for the valid rows by clicking ‘Complete’ and these will be saved in our system. Next, download the error log and save it to your computer, correct the errors and remove the error description. You can then repeat the bulk upload process from the beginning, uploading the amended error log CSV file.

Top tip : It is best to wait until all valid records are created before downloading the error log. This is because records that appeared valid initially may incur an error and will be added to the error log during the creation process.

Please note, if all the records have errors, you will not be able to proceed. If this happens you should download the error log file, click ‘Cancel import’, correct the errors, and remove the error descriptions. Then you can repeat the bulk upload process from the beginning, uploading the amended error log CSV file.

Remember that the list of records will remain on the screen until a new bulk upload is started.

Top tip: If you belong to a company account with multiple users, the bulk import feature can only be used by one user at a time. Once a bulk upload is successfully completed for one user, the records will remain on the screen until you or another user with access to the company account begins a new bulk upload.

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How do I populate the CSV import file?

Within the spreadsheet, each row is a new record. The title of each column is shown below, with information on what needs to be provided.

Top tip: The titles of each column should not be edited in any way as this will cause an error when uploading.

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